What Mistakes Should Divorcing Fathers Avoid?

Going through a divorce is never easy. Legally dissolving a marriage is a complex process, and there is a wide range of emotions involved. For fathers, the process can be even more complicated. Men often take certain actions out of instinct, and historically, the courts have favored mothers, particularly when it comes to child custody decisions. Today, that is fortunately no longer the case. Still, divorcing fathers should remain aware of the most common mistakes men make during the process, and how to avoid them.
Not Acting First
Fathers sometimes wait until their spouse has filed for a child custody hearing, but that is a mistake. Filing first will show that you are being proactive and that you have a strong desire to have custody of your children. If you wait for your spouse to file first, that may also lead to feelings of increased frustration, which can hurt you during the hearing.
Moving Out of the Family Home
As soon as a couple decides to get a divorce, one of the parents often immediately leaves the family home. It is not uncommon for this to be the father. While it may seem like a natural move, it can really hurt you during the custody hearing. It can be damaging to the child, as they may think you do not want to live with them. Judges also tend to look unfavorably on this action, as it shows the court that you have no interest in living with your children. Before you make any move, speak with a Tampa Bay divorce lawyer that can advise on if and when to leave the family home.
Moving In with Someone Else
For children, divorce is an extremely emotional and confusing time. Adding a new partner to the mix will only exacerbate those feelings and cause children even more confusion. The family courts will also not look kindly on a spouse who starts a new relationship early on in the divorce process, particularly before the dissolution is finalized.
Failing to Spend Enough Time with the Children
Family law courts in Florida place the biggest priority on the best interests of the child during custody hearings. The courts also presume that, with a few limited exceptions, it is in the best interests of a child to spend time with both of their parents. Continue to spend as much time as possible with your children by taking them to school, going to the park with them, and helping them with their homework.
Not Working with a Divorce Lawyer in Tampa Bay
Failing to work with a Tampa divorce lawyer when going through a divorce is a mistake both men and women make. This is a very big mistake, as working with an attorney will ensure you receive the fair settlement you deserve. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our seasoned attorneys will ensure your rights are upheld throughout the entire process and provide the skilled counsel you need. Call us today at 813-672-1900 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation. Se habla español.