Tag Archives: Florida Timesharing

How Can I Create a Florida Parenting Plan?
If you are getting a divorce and have children with your spouse or if you have children outside of marriage, you will have to draft a parenting plan as part of the divorce or paternity process. If you and your spouse cannot agree to a plan, the courts will create one for you. It… Read More »

What Mistakes Should Divorcing Fathers Avoid?
Going through a divorce is never easy. Legally dissolving a marriage is a complex process, and there is a wide range of emotions involved. For fathers, the process can be even more complicated. Men often take certain actions out of instinct, and historically, the courts have favored mothers, particularly when it comes to child… Read More »

Avoiding Conflict Over Parenting Time During the Holidays
The holidays are traditionally associated with family, friends and celebrating the good things in life. Maintaining this balance can quickly become a challenge when there is a split of parenting time. Each parent has an understandable desire to spend the entire holiday season with their child, but this image is not realistic when child… Read More »

Child Custody Concerns for Military Personnel Post-Divorce
Having and raising a family while being an active member of the military is no easy task. Being away from one’s children and spouse during the long periods of deployment is hard because this parent misses out on a lot of childhood milestones and daily life experiences. Deployment is known to put strains on… Read More »

What Is Supervised Visitation and When Is It Used?
When parents separate or divorce, a priority for many is making sure they see their children on a regular basis. Frequent parent/child contact is essential for a healthy relationship and the child’s overall development. Consequently, securing sufficient visitation, often called parenting time, is of particular importance to the parent that does not have primary… Read More »

Pregnancy and Divorce
When couples find out the woman is pregnant, there is typically cause for celebration and greater intimacy in the relationship. However, this news is not always a good thing. Couples who are struggling with relationship issues may find a pregnancy pushes them farther apart, and becomes the catalyst for divorce. The combined emotions of… Read More »