Tag Archives: Divorce Lawyers Tampa

How Can Social Media Impact My Florida Divorce?
Social media has become an inescapable part of life. People use social media to share pictures and jokes, and to connect with family and friends. For the most part, using social media is a fun and harmless way to stay connected with other people. However, there are times when social media use can become… Read More »

Filing for Divorce in Tampa, Florida: Step-by-Step Guide
Going through a divorce in Tampa can be a challenging and confusing time. So many questions arise around the Tampa divorce process and the paperwork required by Florida law. However, you can confidently move through divorce with the correct information. We created this guide as a roadmap of what to expect when navigating a… Read More »

How Does Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody In Florida?
Florida law defines domestic violence as assault, battery, stalking, sexual abuse, kidnapping, or any other criminal offense committed by one family or household member to another that results in injury or death. In custody situations, family law judges presume that parents should share custody equally. However, the best interests of the child prevail in… Read More »

How To Financially Recover After Divorce
Going through a divorce can take a huge toll on someone emotionally. Stress from the divorce can increase when it involves things like custody battles and the splitting of assets. Add the financial stress after divorce into the mix, and it can become overwhelming. Costs are high when going through a divorce, especially if… Read More »

Can You Get A Florida Divorce if You Cannot Find Your Spouse?
Divorce is a legal process in which one person files a petition to dissolve their marriage and afterwards, serves their spouse with the divorce papers. Sometimes though, it is not possible to locate the other party so they can be served with the paperwork. This is particularly common in divorce cases, when one spouse… Read More »

How Much Is A Divorce In Tampa?
It is no secret that divorce can become quite expensive for anyone going through one. Still, couples want to keep the cost as low as possible. No one can determine how much a divorce will cost without first fully reviewing the facts of the case. However, there are some guidelines couples can use to… Read More »

How Long Do You Have To Be Married In Florida To Get Half?
It is a common misconception that when a couple gets a divorce, they will each get half of everything. This is true in community property states, which recognize that each spouse should receive 50 percent of marital property. However, Florida is governed by equitable distribution law. Under this law, marital property is divided fairly,… Read More »

How Long Does A Florida Divorce Take?
People have many questions when going through a divorce and one of the most common is how long the process takes. The question is a reasonable one. After all, the divorce process is confusing and comes with a whole mix of emotions. People typically want the process to be done as quickly as possible… Read More »

Does Adultery Affect Divorce In Florida?
Couples divorce for many reasons, and infidelity is at the top of the list. Florida is a no-fault divorce state, which means the spouse that files first does not have to accuse their partner of causing the marriage to fall apart. They simply have to state that the relationship has broken down and there… Read More »

What Qualifies You For Alimony In FL?
When getting a divorce, it is not uncommon for one spouse to consider asking for alimony. Contrary to what many people think, alimony is not only awarded to women in divorce cases. Either spouse can make a request for alimony if they are unable to support themselves during the divorce, or afterwards. If you… Read More »