How To Make Co-Parenting Work In Florida During The Holidays

If you have recently gotten a divorce, you may find the holidays are a very difficult time. Being a single parent during this time can be particularly challenging, and navigating the ins and outs of joint time-sharing can make things even more complex. As the holiday season gets closer, it is not only important to have a time-sharing plan in place, but to also know some tips that can make the holidays an easier time for everyone. Below, one of our Tampa child custody attorneys explains more.
Determine if Your Parenting Plan Covers Holidays
When you first created your parenting plan, there may have been unforeseen events that you could not plan for. For example, perhaps your child wants to take part in a religious holiday play at one parent’s church, but they are scheduled to be spending that time with the other parent. Review your holiday plan at the start of the season and write down any changes it may need. If you and your former spouse can agree to the changes, write these down and make sure each of you sign it. If you cannot agree to certain changes, you should speak to a Tampa child custody attorney who can advise you of your legal options. Even if you get a signed agreement between the two of you, it is not enforceable by the Court unless it is incorporated into a Court Order. Our attorneys can help you with this.
Keep Your Emotions Out of It
For recently divorced parents, navigating co-parenting during the holidays can be very emotional. Not being able to spend as much time with your parents may bring on feelings of sadness. You may also become emotional reminiscing about how you once spent this time as family, and that can bring up either good or bad memories. Try to keep your emotions out of it, particularly when you are interacting with your former spouse. Starting an argument or engaging in conflict will not help the situation, so try to remain as neutral as possible.
Stay Positive Around the Kids
The holidays should be a very happy time for children. If you have recently gotten a divorce, the holidays are going to be a very hard time for your kids, too. Try to remain as positive around them as possible. Do not talk disparagingly about your ex when in front of them, or any time they may hear you, such as when you are talking on the phone. Depending on their age, it may be appropriate to tell your children that you are sorry that things cannot be as they once were. However, also be sure to mention any new traditions you plan on starting, and the fun events you will take part in together.
Our Child Custody Attorneys in Tampa Can Help During a Dispute
Although you may try your best, child custody disputes can still happen over the holiday season. When this is the case, our Tampa child custody attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A., can help you resolve them. Our seasoned family law and divorce attorneys can negotiate with the other side, or petition the court for a modification, when necessary. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation of your case. Se habla Español.