Tag Archives: Tampa Timesharing Attorneys

What is the Right of First Refusal in Parenting Plans?
When two parents get a divorce, they may spend more time with their children one-on-one than they did during the marriage. While this is great quality time, many parents still feel as though they do not have enough time with their child, regardless of how fair their parenting plan is. This is one reason… Read More »

Are There Different Types of Child Custody in Florida?
When people think of child custody, they often first think of physical custody. That is, how much time each parent will spend with the child. While this is certainly one type of child custody in Florida, it is not the only one. In Florida, one or both parents can also obtain legal custody, which… Read More »

Can I Get Sole Custody of My Child in Florida?
In Florida separations and divorces, child custody is a very contentious issue. Ideally, children should never be brought into disputes between their parents but sadly, one parent or another often does involve children in their disagreements. For example, if one parent angers the other, the angered parent may prevent the other party from visiting… Read More »

What is a Standard Child Visitation Schedule in Florida?
If you are a parent going through a divorce, you are likely worried about the effect the breakup will have on your children. For your kids, the breakup may mean living in a new home, going to a new school, and adapting to a new lifestyle. However, it will also mean dividing their time… Read More »

What Are The Differences Between Child Custody, Parental Responsibility, and Time Sharing in Florida?
If you are a parent in Florida and are about to get a divorce, you may have already heard terms such as ‘parental responsibility’ and ‘time sharing.’ You may also wonder what they mean and what they have to do with child custody, which is often a term that is more familiar to people…. Read More »

Five Important Elements in Your Tampa, Florida Parenting Plan
If you are divorcing your spouse and you have minor children together, creating a parenting plan is an important part of the process. Parenting plans outline how you and your spouse will co-parent post-divorce, and any details included in the plan must reflect the best interests of the child. Ideally, parents agree to the… Read More »

Three Factors that Could Jeopardize Your Parenting Time In Florida
It makes sense that certain behaviors, such as child abuse or a substance abuse problem, could place your parenting time at risk if you have split with your child’s other parent. However, there are other factors that are not so egregious, but that could also negatively affect how much time you are able to… Read More »

What Are The Do’s And Do Not’s Of Time Sharing In Florida?
After two parents get a divorce, it is presumed that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with each parent. Unless it would be harmful to the child, both parents should continue to share parental rights and responsibilities. During the divorce process, a time-sharing schedule is made and it outlines when… Read More »

How To Make Co-Parenting Work In Florida During The Holidays
If you have recently gotten a divorce, you may find the holidays are a very difficult time. Being a single parent during this time can be particularly challenging, and navigating the ins and outs of joint time-sharing can make things even more complex. As the holiday season gets closer, it is not only important… Read More »

What Should You Include In a Florida Child Parenting Plan?
Creating a parenting plan is an important task after any divorce or other matter that involves children. Your plan will outline how you will co-parent with your former spouse, handle parenting issues, and continue to raise your children in the future. When a parenting plan is well-written, it can make co-parenting easier because it… Read More »