How Can Social Media Impact My Florida Divorce?

Social media has become an inescapable part of life. People use social media to share pictures and jokes, and to connect with family and friends. For the most part, using social media is a fun and harmless way to stay connected with other people. However, there are times when social media use can become a problem, during your marriage and divorce proceedings. Below, our Tampa divorce attorney explains further.
How Can Using Social Media Impact a Marriage?
Even if you are very happily married, it is still important to be careful about what you post online. Before posting anything about your partner or children, ask them first to ensure you respect their privacy.
If you and your spouse are arguing, do not post about it on social media. Instead, turn to a counselor or trusted friend. Posting about your disagreements is not fair to your spouse and if the relationship does end, anything you post can be used against you. While you do not have to consider divorce every time you post to social media, it is important to use common courtesy and discretion.
How Can Social Media Use Impact a Divorce?
If you are going through a divorce, it is even more critical that you carefully consider what you post online. Any of your online posts are admissible in court and can be used as evidence against you. While you are going through divorce proceedings, ask yourself if you would want a judge to read anything you post. If the answer is no, do not post it. In fact, it is often advised that anyone going through a divorce should not post to social media at all.
You may also go through your old posts at some point during your divorce and see some incriminating photos. For example, if you shared a photo one year ago where you were on a girls’ night out and enjoying some cocktails, you may worry that your spouse will use it against you. Although your first inclination may be to delete the post, be very careful about doing so.
Nothing online is ever truly destroyed. If your spouse or their attorney learns that you deleted the post, that could also be used against you. They may argue that you are trying to hide important evidence, even if that is not the case.
How Can Social Media Impact You Post-Divorce?
If you do not have children with your former spouse, your divorce likely will not impact your social media use. However, if you do share children with your former spouse, it is important to be careful about what you post. Child custody orders are not set in stone and your former partner may still use certain posts against you to modify child custody orders. Do not say anything disparaging about your ex online and, just like when you were going through your divorce, ask yourself if you want a judge reading anything you are thinking about posting.
Our Divorce Attorney in Tampa Can Advise on All Aspects of Your Case
There is a lot to think about when going through a divorce, even your social media use. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa divorce attorney can advise on all aspects of your case so you are fully protected. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.