Why May A Florida Collaborative Divorce More Affordable than Litigation?
Divorce is not only an emotionally draining process, but the financial cost can also be great. In recent years, Florida law has allowed divorcing couples to go through a collaborative process, which can streamline the process while also allowing you to potentially save money. Below are just a few ways that a collaborative divorce may more affordable than litigation.
Lower Legal Fees if a Collaborative Divorce
One of the biggest benefits of collaborative divorce is that it can result in lower legal fees. If you choose to litigate your divorce, which involves going to court for a divorce trial, your legal team will spend many hours preparing for the trial and the different hearings associated with it. These proceedings, and the cost of them, quickly adds up, and it can result in significant legal fees. On the other hand, collaborative divorce focuses on resolving the issues in your case and on open communication. This can greatly reduce the time spent on resolving issues, and the costs involved.
Streamlined Process if a Collaborative Divorce
Litigating your divorce case will take the longest to resolve your issues. Litigation can involve depositions, a long discovery process, court reporters, experts, trial fees, and other costs. Not only is this process more expensive, but it also takes much longer than the collaborative process. The collaborative process is much more streamlined and focuses on resolving issues in an efficient manner, while also focusing on the common goals of the couple.
Less Emotional Toll when using a Collaborative Divorce
Litigation is an exhausting process. It causes much more stress and anxiety for both parties, and can strain the relationships throughout the entire family. This emotional drain can impact your overall well-being and may result in therapy or counseling. The collaborative process is much less stressful and largely involves negotiation between your attorney and your spouse’s attorney. The collaborative process is also very results-driven and so, this can help you focus on resolution rather than drawing out a process that is already emotional.
Greater Flexibility When Using a Collaborative Method of Resolving a Case
There is very little flexibility when going through litigation. A judge will make all of the final decisions and they will base them on the law and certain formulas. They may not take your personal situation into consideration at all. During a collaborative divorce, you can create customized solutions that are more suitable for you and your family.
Greater Confidentiality
Anything that happens in open court becomes a matter of public record. This means that by litigating your divorce, you may be exposing financial and personal information you wanted to keep confidential. Documents drafted during collaborative meetings are filed privately and so, you can keep your sensitive information to yourself.
Our Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Tampa Can Provide the Representation You Need
It is even more critical that you work with an experienced Tampa collaborative divorce attorney when going through this process. If collaboration is unsuccessful, you cannot use the same lawyer if you enter litigation. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our experienced attorneys are results-driven and committed to helping you resolve your issues in the most effective and efficient way possible. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys and to get the legal representation you need.