Tag Archives: Divorce Attorneys Tampa Florida

Why May A Florida Collaborative Divorce More Affordable than Litigation?
Divorce is not only an emotionally draining process, but the financial cost can also be great. In recent years, Florida law has allowed divorcing couples to go through a collaborative process, which can streamline the process while also allowing you to potentially save money. Below are just a few ways that a collaborative divorce… Read More »

How Should I Prepare for a Florida Divorce Deposition?
The vast majority of divorce cases in Florida are settled outside of the courtroom. Instead of going to trial, the two spouses either agree to all terms, or they negotiate until they reach a settlement agreement. When a case does proceed to trial, the two spouses sometimes have to take part in a deposition…. Read More »

How Long Do You Have to Separate Before Divorcing in Florida?
Getting a divorce is always extremely stressful and you will feel a wide array of emotions throughout your case. Still, divorce is a legal process and you must meet many different requirements before you can obtain a divorce in Tampa. These requirements can add another layer of confusion as you go through this difficult… Read More »

How Are Assets Distributed In A Florida Divorce?
There are many issues to resolve during any divorce in Tampa, including the division of marital assets. Many people are under the mistaken belief that when they get a divorce, all assets are divided equally between the two spouses. In Florida, this is not always the case. Although marital assets are divided during any… Read More »