What Are The Benefits of Establishing Paternity in Florida?

When a married woman gives birth to a new baby, the law assumes that her husband is the biological father. When an unmarried couple has a child together, the same legal assumption is not made. In these instances, fathers must legally establish paternity. Paternity can be established voluntarily between the mother and father or through genetic testing, either inside or outside of court. Below are three benefits establishing paternity has for the entire family.
Establish Legal Rights
Establishing paternity also establishes many legal rights. The first is the child’s right to child support, either from the mother or the father. Many people consider child support to be a burden, but it can secure the child’s financial future, as it can be used on the child’s health, education, and overall well-being. Neither parent can waive child support, as it is the child’s right and not the right of either parent.
Paternity also provides the child with the right to Social Security benefits and inheritance rights. After a parent passes away, their children have automatic rights to their property and financial resources. Social security benefits are also connected to paternity. If a biological father is retired, disabled, or has passed away, the child may have rights to benefits based on their father’s earnings.
Child Custody and Visitation Rights
Establishing paternity also provides biological fathers with the right to petition for child custody. Fathers can pursue physical custody, which is where the child lives, as well as legal custody, which provides either or each parent with the ability to make important decisions for the child.
Even if a father is not awarded child custody, they can still obtain visitation rights in most cases. When a father has visitation rights they can spend time with the child, attend extracurricular activities, such as sporting events, and participate in daily activities, such as taking them to and from school. Mothers do not have the right to interfere with visitation. However, if paternity is not established, mothers can keep their child from the father.
Strengthening the Father-Child Relationship
Spending time with a child and contributing to their financial security have another very big benefit. That is the ability to build and maintain a strong relationship between the child and their biological father. Establishing paternity shows that the father is committed to playing an active role in their child’s life, which can help the child feel valued and loved. For fathers, it can be reassuring to know that they have a say in how their child is raised and can impart upon the child their own values and point of view.
Our Paternity Lawyer in Tampa Can Help You Through the Process
Establishing paternity is often fairly straightforward, but it is still important to work with a Tampa paternity lawyer. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our experienced attorney can guide you through the process and help you exercise your rights afterward for the benefit of you and your child. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more.