What are Signs of a Toxic Marriage in Florida?

Some married couples are simply unhappy, or one spouse falls out of love with another. In other instances, though, one spouse is toxic and the other is in a very unhealthy situation. People who have a toxic spouse are always treated unfairly and in some cases, even cruelly. Still, it is not always possible to tell when a person has toxic traits because the behavior can be quite subtle.
While divorce is never easy, it is usually a better option than staying in a toxic marriage, as the latter can have long-term emotional impacts for victims. If you are not happy in your marriage and are wondering if it has become toxic, one of our Tampa contested divorce attorneys outlines three signs below.
1. Your Spouse is Gaslighting You
Gaslighting occurs when a person convinces another that things are not as the victim perceives them. The object is to make the victim question their own reality and even come to believe that they are not mentally stable. Gaslighting is extremely toxic behavior. For example, if the victim learns that their spouse is being unfaithful and they question them about it, the toxic spouse may accuse the victim of infidelity as a way to defend themselves. The term comes from the play Gas Light, which was later turned into a movie.
2. Your Spouse Tries to Remove Your Support System
Toxic people are very controlling and one way they control their victims is to isolate them from their support system. Toxic spouses might try to separate their partner from their support system, such as their family and friends. This leads the victim to believe that they have nowhere to turn, and that they can only rely on their spouse. Toxic spouses may try to isolate their partner by making them believe loved ones do not care about them. Or, they may show up unexpectedly when their spouse is spending time with their support system in an attempt to interfere with the relationship.
3. Your Spouse Sabotages Efforts to Better Yourself
Toxic spouses do not consider their partners as an equal person in the relationship. They must constantly try to remain in a position of power or authority over them and often, that means sabotaging the victim’s efforts to better themselves. A toxic spouse may sabotage their partner’s efforts to receive training or education that would further their career, or they may try to interfere with the victim’s parenting. Toxic spouses sabotage their partners so they feel as though they are stuck in the marriage, even if they are unhappy.
Our Contested Divorce Attorneys in Tampa Can Help You Out of a Toxic Marriage
Many people hope that their toxic marriage will get better but the sad truth is, that does not usually happen. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa contested divorce attorneys can advise on your unique situation and help you through whatever process is necessary, such as obtaining a restraining order against your spouse. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or connect with us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced divorce attorneys. Se habla Español.