How can I get a drug test on other parent?
When you file your divorce or family case in the county in which you reside then the court will have jurisdiction over making determinations as to motions. You can motion (ask) the court to request a drug test on your spouse or the father/mother and schedule a hearing on your motion so the judge can make a decision. If your spouse or father/mother agree you would not need to have a hearing before the court. It would be imperative to obtain a drug test in your case if you are dealing with issues involving children and time sharing and you suspect drug use. After the divorce or family matter is final, if necessary, you can reopen the case and motion for drug testing on an ex-spouse or father/mother. You will have to prove to the court with evidence as to why you want the drug testing. Contact us at (813) 672-1900 or email schedule a free consultation to discuss the facts in your situation with an experienced Tampa divorce and family law attorney. All Family Law Group, P.A.