Tag Archives: Timesharing

Do Step-parents Have the Authority to Make Legal Decisions for a Stepchild?
Divorce is especially hard on children because they rarely understand the reasons behind the decision, and only perceive the practical consequence that their parents do not live together anymore. Disputes over child custody and parental responsibility can particularly complicate things. While the child may struggle to adapt to this disruption in daily life, welcoming… Read More »
Navigating the Holidays as a Divorced Parent
As much as the holidays are about spending time with family and friends, they also involve a lot of stress and hectic running from place to place. It often feels like there is not enough time to fit in everything, and losing track of scheduled obligations and promised attendance at holiday events is not… Read More »
Child Custody Decision Guidelines in Florida
Parents contemplating divorce often have a much more difficult time deciding whether to end the marriage. Divorce greatly affects children, and is known to leave a negative stamp on a child’s development. Certainly, couples in unhealthy relationships should part because staying together is also damaging to a child, but divorces involving children are naturally… Read More »
What is Child Relocation Procedure?
The world is now a smaller place due to advances in technology that allow us to travel faster and stay in constant communication. One significant byproduct of this change is people are much more mobile today compared with previous generations. Moving for a job or a change in lifestyle is now considered normal, and… Read More »
When and How a Parent Can Change a Parenting Plan
Discussing when and how to divide child custody and visitation is one the more contested issues when couples decide to separate and divorce, as it is a topic central to being a good and present parent. Forming compromises that adequately address the needs of the child and the rights of the parents is a… Read More »
Moving Away with Children after a Divorce
A divorce can cause a lot of emotional turmoil and can disrupt the family for a long period of time. The children are of utmost importance when making the many decisions that are involved in the divorce process. In Florida, as in other states, the courts are required to make judgments that are in… Read More »
Reviewing Time-Sharing Options
When parents’ divorce, one of the most controversial and complex decisions is how to resolve issues regarding the children. There are various time-sharing arrangements available to Florida families. In Florida, custody is now called time-sharing, as both parents are expected to make decisions for the child, spend time with the child, and provide support… Read More »
Bird Nesting – An Alternative for Harmonious Divorces
Bird nesting is a new buzz word making the rounds of modern-thinking parents across the country. Bird nesting isn’t new – but it is becoming more in the mainstream. A bird’s nest divorce is a parenting arrangement between parents that allows the children to remain in the family home while the parents take turns… Read More »
Paternity – Child Support and Timesharing
Parenting brings many pleasures as well as responsibilities. When parents are married to each other when the child is born, paternity is not typically an issue. However, when a baby is born to unmarried parents, paternity is not definite until it is established legally. If both parents agree, they can sign a form called… Read More »
Creating a Parenting Plan that Works
A divorce is never easy for families and can be particularly difficult for children. Parents need to take time to make sure that the children’s issues are addressed and that they will have as little disruption in their lives as possible. Florida family courts ensure that the best interests of the children are always… Read More »