Tag Archives: Tampa Family Law Attorney

How Unwed Fathers Gain Custody Rights Over a Child
Learning that one is about to become a parent is an exciting and nerve-racking time. Anticipating the child and thinking of all the hopes and dreams a parent may have is a very emotional experience, but if the parent is an unwed father, the opportunity to participate in his child’s life is not guaranteed…. Read More »

What to Expect at Your First Meeting with a Divorce Lawyer
Making the decision to get divorced is hard, and the next step may not be so obvious in the wake of all the emotions divorce typically provokes. But, at some point, most people end up talking with a divorce lawyer. The time leading up to the first meeting is often full of fear and… Read More »

What Can You Do if the Other Parent Ignores the Parenting Plan?
The cornerstones of child custody arrangements in Florida are parenting plans. These documents outline when each parent has physical custody of the child, and the legal authority each holds over important decisions in the child’s life (education, medical care, activities, etc.). In practical terms, both parents must compromise and cooperate with one another in… Read More »

Do Grandparents Have Any Rights after Their Child Divorces?
Couples with children who decide to divorce face many challenges as they transition to being single parents. Trying to explain that everyone does not live together anymore is a hard concept for young children to grasp. In addition to losing the family unit, children can find themselves disconnected from family and friends as parents… Read More »
Traditional vs. Collaborative Divorce: Which Option Is Better for You?
Deciding to divorce is one of the most difficult and painful decisions most people will ever make. Coming to this conclusion is typically the result of a lot of discussion, personal reflection and failed efforts to improve the relationship. Once the decision is made, though, the logistics and practical considerations of getting divorced must… Read More »
What is Child Relocation Procedure?
The world is now a smaller place due to advances in technology that allow us to travel faster and stay in constant communication. One significant byproduct of this change is people are much more mobile today compared with previous generations. Moving for a job or a change in lifestyle is now considered normal, and… Read More »
The Role of Prenuptial Agreements in Divorce
When couples begin conversations about getting married and starting a future together, they are understandably reluctant to consider what could happen if the relationship does not last. At the outset of any happy time it is difficult to think about possible negative futures, but unfortunately not all marriages survive, and thinking about the financial… Read More »
Florida Divorce 101
Looking at the almost daily stories about divorce that appear in the news, it seems as if society sees this event as an everyday process that is not worth a lot of conversation. This nonchalant attitude is especially apparent in the large of number of reports about which group is most likely end their… Read More »
Becoming a Better Parent
Parenting is never easy. Children don’t come with an instruction guide, yet parents are expected to instinctively know how to care for all of their children’s physical, emotional, and financial needs. Unfortunately, divorce can intensify the need for better parenting by both the mother and father. Kids need leadership now more than ever. Although… Read More »
Trial Separation – Is it an Option in Florida?
The decision to divorce isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes, couples may want some time apart to help them decide whether they want to continue the marriage or move on. In Florida, there is no legal separation. However, couples can still take some steps before filing for divorce, as long as they protect themselves… Read More »