Tag Archives: Tampa DUI Defense Attorneys

Three Common Myths About DUIs in Florida
It is not only very frightening to be charged with driving under the influence (DUI), but it is also very confusing. Many people think that a conviction for the crime is inevitable, while others are left wondering why they were ever charged in the first place. It is important that you understand the law… Read More »

What Are Common Defenses In Florida DUI Cases?
Being pulled over and formally charged with driving under the influence (DUI) is a very scary experience. You may immediately start worrying about your future, and whether you will have to serve jail time or have a criminal record follow you around for the rest of your life. Although the situation may seem hopeless… Read More »

Is Intoxication A Legal Defense To A Crime In Florida?
When people are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, they do not always make the best decisions. Sometimes, people may even act in certain ways that result in criminal charges. Intoxication can greatly affect a person’s memory as well and so once they are no longer under the influence, they do not know why they… Read More »

What Is The Rising BAC Defense In DUI Cases In Florida?
Most Floridians know that if they are caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) greater than 0.08 percent, they may be charged and convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). However, there are times when people face these charges even when their BAC was lower than the 0.08 percent outlined in the law…. Read More »

What Are The Most Common DUI Myths?
It is no surprise to many that during the holidays, charges for driving under the influence (DUI) dramatically increase. Law enforcement knows that people are more likely to imbibe during this time and so, they set up checkpoints and are on high alert for drunk drivers. Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding DUI charges… Read More »

Florida Lawmakers Look To Expand DUI Laws
The new session for Florida’s legislature begins in January and lawmakers are expected to take up a new bill during that time. The bill would expand the DUI laws of the state and would be debated first in the House and then in the Senate. Currently, the language in the law makes it illegal… Read More »