Tag Archives: Tampa Divorce Lawyers
Practical Tips on the Role of Finances in Divorce
Filing for divorce sets a number of wheels in motion that can have drastic, long-term and permanent consequences for both spouses. One pressing concern shared by most divorcing couples is what their finances will look like once the divorce is complete. Figuring out how to live on one income after years of dividing expenses… Read More »
Who Gets to Keep the Ring in a Divorce or Broken Engagement?
Rings and other jewelry given to commemorate or symbolize the marriage of two people naturally create a lot of emotional attachment for both the giver and receiver. These items are usually quite expensive, and in some relationships, represent the most valuable piece of property either person owns. Thus, when a ring is presented to… Read More »
Negotiating a Fair Property Settlement Agreement in Divorce
Securing a fair and adequate property settlement is a core goal of many divorces. While this issue may be litigated and decided by a court, a judge is limited by the strictures of the law, and importantly, litigation puts the details of the divorce into the public record for friends, family, coworkers and complete… Read More »
Legislators Look to End Marriage to Underage Girls
Making the decision to get married should be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, but this happiness is only possible if getting married is chosen and voluntary. If the contrary is true, and a person wants out of the relationship, divorce is the process most people first consider, but there… Read More »
Evaluating the Different Options to Get Divorced
Obtaining a divorce requires a couple to make a series of important decisions that will have long-term impacts on their future, including selecting which process to use to end the marriage. It may seem like the path chosen to arrive at divorce is an incidental factor, but it can have substantial implications for the… Read More »
Is Posting Information about Your Divorce on Social Media a Good Idea?
Many people view their online social media accounts as an extension of themselves, and sometimes without thinking, post information about personal matters that is best left private. Posting about major life events online, and providing all the details, is not necessarily prudent. Divorce is one those areas where information should be kept to a… Read More »
Who Gets to Stay in Marital Home during a Divorce?
Spouses often have emotional attachments to their marital home, due to the hard work that was needed to purchase it and its likely status as the most valuable asset they possess. The marital home takes on a new and greater significance if a divorce occurs as the parties try to decide present and future… Read More »
What to Do When a Spouse Badmouths During a Divorce
Emotions understandably run high during divorce, and things can be said in the moment that are hurtful, but not helpful or accurate. While negative comments said to a spouse in private will not directly result in legal consequences, making disparaging remarks to children or others could lead to unintended and unwanted legal repercussions. Children… Read More »
Property Distribution by Courts Must Be Equitable
Finances are frequently a major concern for someone going through divorce, either as a worry about walking away with enough to cover the costs of daily living, or as anxiety related to the possibility of being required to relinquish a substantial amount. The finances of divorce revolve around the division of marital assets and… Read More »
Can Divorced Parents Relocate with their Children?
The logistics involved with adhering to a parenting time schedule is bound to challenge any parent at some point. Divorced parents do have an interest in ensuring their child has regular contact with an ex-spouse, but the realities of transporting the child between both households can, and probably will, create difficulties from time-to-time. This… Read More »