Tag Archives: Tampa Divorce Attorney

Why Has Facebook Caused So Many Divorces?
Ask anyone what the most common causes of divorce are and you will likely hear the same answers. Money, infidelity, and substance abuse are often the top leading causes of divorce. Now though, studies are showing another factor that is responsible for divorce and that is social media. More specifically, couples pointed to Facebook… Read More »

Are There Risks with Doing a Divorce Yourself?
Dealing with the emotional, financial, and psychological fallout of divorce is no small thing, and even couples who know this step is coming still generally walk through the same process to transition to life outside of marriage. The biggest hurdle to moving on is the divorce process itself, and some spouses are intent on… Read More »

Can Assets Be Distributed Before a Divorce Is Final?
The repercussions of divorce do not wait for the court’s decree before exerting a substantial impact on the lives of each spouse. Once the decision to end the marriage is made, immediate consequences follow that influence all aspects of the couple’s life, from living arrangements to finances and parenting. This fallout can be particularly… Read More »

The Complexities of Dividing a Business in Divorce
Sole proprietors and small entrepreneurs make up a significant percentage of the workforce in this country, and many of these businesses were both created during and benefited from contributions from a spouse and/or marriage generally. In divorce, the law requires couples to divide their assets, absent an agreement otherwise, and businesses are included in… Read More »

Who Pays the Bills During a Pending Divorce?
Married couples are used to sharing the expenses of a household, and in most relationships, one spouse will contribute more to this endeavor due to a higher income. These bills do not disappear once divorce is in the picture, and in fact, expenses will increase during this time. Further, in many divorces, the spouse… Read More »

How to Protect Your Privacy During a Divorce
Divorce is one of those intensely personal life events that must be mentioned because of the drastic changes it triggers, but going into the details of the situation is typically limited to immediate family and close friends. For those that pursue the traditional court process to obtain a divorce, one element of the legal… Read More »

Divorcing a Spouse with Dementia or Other Cognitive Impairment
Any major health issue can place a significant burden on a marriage, but dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive impairments are particularly difficult to handle. These conditions often make the sufferer unpredictable, sometimes violent, and eventually uncommunicative. The situation may become too much for either spouse, and divorce may become an unfortunate, but necessary option…. Read More »

Will Courts Split Children in Divorce?
When a family enters the divorce process, the parents try to understand and anticipate the challenges ahead of them. In addition to spousal issues such as property division and alimony, child-related issues such as child support and parenting plans must be agreed to, or accepted by, the spouses, depending on whether the end result… Read More »

What Is Domestic Violence and How to Escape?
Domestic violence is a tragic reality for tens of thousands of Floridians every year. Most people automatically associate domestic violence with physical abuse, which is certainly one of the most well-known forms of aggression a spouse or intimate partner may use. However, domestic violence is much more expansive than solely physical violence, but those… Read More »

When do Courts Award Sole Custody?
The default for divorced parents in Florida, and most other states, is that parenting time, formerly referred to broadly as custody, will be shared. While the ideal is that the child spends roughly equal amounts of time with each parent, typically one parent will have primary responsibility for childcare, with the other parent taking… Read More »