Tag Archives: Tampa Collaborative Divorce

Should I get a Collaborative Divorce in Tampa, Florida?
The divorce process is always one that is extremely stressful. You are ending a marriage you thought would last for the rest of your life. Even though you are bound to feel emotional, divorce does not always have to be the contentious battle so many people think it is. In Florida, there is more… Read More »

When Does A Florida Uncontested Divorce Become Contested?
Ideally when a couple gets a divorce, they can agree to all the different terms of the case. The most common terms include property division, spousal support, time-sharing, and child custody. When a couple can reach an agreement on their own, they can obtain an uncontested divorce by simply drafting an agreement and submitting… Read More »
Divorce Does Not Have to be Difficult
Earlier this year, a “selfie” of a smiling Florida couple’s photo went viral after it was posted on Instagram. At first glance, the photo seems rather ordinary, though its popularity likely came from the caption, which explained that the couple’s divorce had just been finalized. You would generally not expect two people whose marriage… Read More »