Tag Archives: Tampa Child Custody Lawyers

What Are The Do’s And Do Not’s Of Time Sharing In Florida?
After two parents get a divorce, it is presumed that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with each parent. Unless it would be harmful to the child, both parents should continue to share parental rights and responsibilities. During the divorce process, a time-sharing schedule is made and it outlines when… Read More »

Responding to Interference with Child Custody
Coordinating and cooperating with an ex-spouse over child custody is bound to test even the most patient at some point, but most parents are ultimately able to put their issues aside, and do what is best for their child. However, compromise is not always available if a parent is stubborn in his/her belief that… Read More »
Time Sharing After Divorce – How to Make it Work
Time sharing, also referred to as shared parenting, is the most common way for divorced parents to raise their children. It may seem difficult to understand how people who were unable to get along while they were married are expected to make decisions for their children together. Yet that is what time sharing is… Read More »
Child Relocation in Florida
Divorced parents often wonder if it is possible for them to relocate with their child. The Petition to Relocate must be made in accordance with the law and must contain the correct information in order to be deemed legal. The court will schedule a hearing date at which time both parents will be present… Read More »
Re-Establishing Contact with Your Children after a Divorce
In some circumstances, divorce also means a temporary severance between a child and one parent. The reasons for separation are many, including isolation due to a physical or mental condition, substance abuse, maltreatment, relocation, or other breakdown in the parental relationship. Unfortunately, along with a divorce, the affected parent will be restricted from time-sharing… Read More »
When a Parent Becomes a Kidnapper
Police in Massachusetts are searching for a Quincy-area mother for allegedly “kidnapping” her five children. Unfortunately, this mother is neither the first nor will she be the last parent to face accusations of “kidnapping” their own children. Although it may seem counterintuitive, Florida and other states allow a parent to be charged with kidnapping… Read More »
How Can an Attorney Help Resolve a Child Custody Dispute?
For unmarried parents or married couples with children who are divorcing, uncertainty regarding child custody matters can be extremely stressful. After all, for most parents, a close and meaningful relationship with their children is one of the most important aspects of their lives. Under Florida law, what is generally called “child custody” is actually… Read More »