Tag Archives: Tampa Child Custody Attorney

How Does Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody In Florida?
Florida law defines domestic violence as assault, battery, stalking, sexual abuse, kidnapping, or any other criminal offense committed by one family or household member to another that results in injury or death. In custody situations, family law judges presume that parents should share custody equally. However, the best interests of the child prevail in… Read More »

How Can I Co-Parent Effectively When Divorced?
It was not so long ago that when a couple got a divorce, one would be awarded primary child custody and the other parent would be awarded visitation. One person would parent the child in the manner they wanted during their time, while their former spouse may parent in an entirely different way. Today,… Read More »
Child Custody Decision Guidelines in Florida
Parents contemplating divorce often have a much more difficult time deciding whether to end the marriage. Divorce greatly affects children, and is known to leave a negative stamp on a child’s development. Certainly, couples in unhealthy relationships should part because staying together is also damaging to a child, but divorces involving children are naturally… Read More »
Preparing For Divorce – First Steps You Can Take
After deciding to divorce from your spouse, you must begin the divorce process. To some, going through a divorce seems difficult at first, since it is unfamiliar territory and appears to be complex legal process. However, there are certain things you can do to make the process faster, easier, and less stressful for everyone… Read More »
Timing of Marriage and Baby Doesn’t Affect Divorce Rate
In the past, research showed that cohabitating couples who had a baby prior to getting married consistently faced a higher divorce rate than those who married first and had a baby later. In fact, a study by the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) claims that there was no increased risk of divorce for… Read More »
Military Deployment & Child Custody
Child custody issues are complicated. These issues are further complicated when a military parent has primary custody of a child and the military parent is suddenly called to active duty and deployed. Deployment and child custody can pose special challenges for service members. Oftentimes, military parents fear losing child custody if the military parent… Read More »
Parental Responsibility Evaluations
Parental responsibility and timesharing constitute one of the most emotional issues facing spouses as they divorce. Florida has made strides to equalize parental responsibility and timesharing of children in a divorce. Lawmakers have changed stigmatizing language used to describe “non-custodial” or “secondary residential” parents in an effort to focus custody disputes on shared parental… Read More »
Circumcision Provision in a Parenting Plan?
Heather Hironimus has recently made headlines for refusing to allow her child’s father, Dennis Nebus, to take their four-year-old son to be circumcised. The paternity suit was initiated in 2010, when the couple originally agreed, via their parenting plan, that their son would be circumcised at the father’s expense. Two years later, Hironimus changed… Read More »
The Guardian Ad Litem in Florida Divorces
In a Florida divorce, there is a familiar cast of characters: the divorcing spouses, the attorneys representing each of these parties, the judge, and sometimes witnesses or experts who testify concerning the parties’ assets, liabilities, and parenting abilities. One individual who may appear in some divorce or child custody is a guardian ad litem…. Read More »
Social Media May Impact the Disposition of Your Florida Divorce
Marital issues or conflict can be emotionally troubling, and sometimes people tend to act out of character when having issues with their spouse or significant other. Individuals may engage in behavior in which they normally do not, such as going out with friends to bars or nightclubs or spending money irresponsibly. Often, these and… Read More »