Tag Archives: Tampa Bay Family Attorneys

Four Steps to Take if Your Spouse Wants a Divorce In Florida
Hearing that your spouse wants a divorce is an overwhelming and emotional experience. You may not understand why your spouse is feeling this way and you are likely wondering what to do next. Below, one of our Tampa divorce attorneys explains four important steps to take if your spouse wants to end the marriage…. Read More »

What are the Steps in a Florida Paternity Action?
When two people are married and have a child in Florida, the courts presume that the man is the biological father. When two unwed people have a child together, this same presumption does not exist. In these instances, the father or mother can establish paternity to pursue time-sharing with the child, or to obtain… Read More »

What Does Alimony Cover In Florida?
Alimony is never a guarantee in any Florida divorce, but there are times when it is necessary and the two parties can agree to alimony terms, or a court will issue a judgment regarding alimony. Alimony is not meant to be a “pathway to retirement,” as the Florida Legislature recently debated, and so, permanent… Read More »