Tag Archives: Shared Parenting

The Impact of Drug Use on Divorce
The number of issues that can potentially end a marriage are wide and vast, but one issue is particularly known to wreak havoc on all relationships – drug and alcohol abuse. Individuals caught in the cycle of addiction can pose a safety risk to the other spouse and their children, as well as jeopardize… Read More »

Pregnancy and Divorce
When couples find out the woman is pregnant, there is typically cause for celebration and greater intimacy in the relationship. However, this news is not always a good thing. Couples who are struggling with relationship issues may find a pregnancy pushes them farther apart, and becomes the catalyst for divorce. The combined emotions of… Read More »
Navigating the Holidays as a Divorced Parent
As much as the holidays are about spending time with family and friends, they also involve a lot of stress and hectic running from place to place. It often feels like there is not enough time to fit in everything, and losing track of scheduled obligations and promised attendance at holiday events is not… Read More »
Child Custody Decision Guidelines in Florida
Parents contemplating divorce often have a much more difficult time deciding whether to end the marriage. Divorce greatly affects children, and is known to leave a negative stamp on a child’s development. Certainly, couples in unhealthy relationships should part because staying together is also damaging to a child, but divorces involving children are naturally… Read More »
Preparing For Divorce – First Steps You Can Take
After deciding to divorce from your spouse, you must begin the divorce process. To some, going through a divorce seems difficult at first, since it is unfamiliar territory and appears to be complex legal process. However, there are certain things you can do to make the process faster, easier, and less stressful for everyone… Read More »
Creating a Parenting Plan that Works
A divorce is never easy for families and can be particularly difficult for children. Parents need to take time to make sure that the children’s issues are addressed and that they will have as little disruption in their lives as possible. Florida family courts ensure that the best interests of the children are always… Read More »