Tag Archives: Same-sex Divorce

Special Issues for Same-Sex Divorce
Many same-sex couples are in the unique situation of having long-term relationships, but short-term marriages, because they were unable to marry nationwide until 2015. The legal prohibitions imposed by many states on the marriage of same-sex couples left millions of Americans in these relationships without the rights afforded by marriage, while also freeing them… Read More »

Special Considerations Same-Sex Couples Face in Divorce
The legal landscape on marriage and divorce for same-sex couples has changed dramatically over the past few years. Until very recently, 2015 to be precise, marriage between same-sex couples was not legal nationwide. Thirty-seven states granted same-sex couples the right to marry, while others took action to ban gay marriage to prevent these unions… Read More »
Florida Fighting Same-Sex Divorce
In a month during which same-sex marriage rights significantly expanded to numerous new states, the Florida government still appears to be fighting any marriage equality progress in the Sunshine State. On October 6, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) announced it would not hear appeals of any lower court decisions regarding… Read More »