Tag Archives: Marital Assets

Marital vs Non-Marital Assets In Divorce?
Generally speaking, only marital assets are divided in a divorce. In the simplest terms, marital property includes any assets or liabilities acquired by the couple during their marriage. Separate, or nonmarital, assets are those that one person brought into the marriage with them. In the simplest of cases, determining what assets are marital and… Read More »

Dealing with a Spouse Who Is Intentionally Hiding or Squandering Marital Assets Pending Divorce
Married couples spend years building up assets in the hope of gaining financial stability for their family, and this effort often requires many sacrifices to produce the desired results. Consequently, if a couple later divorces, dividing this property frequently becomes a contentious and highly litigated issue. Relinquishing control over something that required considerable effort… Read More »
Handling Retirement Funds in a Divorce
Divorce comes with many decisions, some more complex than others. Some of the most difficult decisions revolve around distribution of assets. In Florida, property and other assets acquired during the marriage are considered marital assets, belonging to both parties. This generally includes any retirement assets accumulated in retirement or pension accounts. Many couples fail… Read More »
When Your House is No Longer Your Home
After years of marriage, your home may be one of, if not the most, significant assets owned by you and your spouse. When facing a divorce, the disposition of the marital home will be a critical issue and dependent upon a variety of circumstances. Under Florida law, the judge presiding over the divorce will… Read More »