Tag Archives: Florida Stepparent Adoptions

How to Petition for a Stepparent Adoption in Florida
Most depictions of stepparents in the media present callous individuals who detest any children from the first marriage. This image of the cruel stepparent diminishes the many caring and healthy relationships shared between stepchildren and their stepparents. In fact, some stepparents become so attached they petition to adopt the stepchild, thereby assuming all rights… Read More »

Do Step-parents Have the Authority to Make Legal Decisions for a Stepchild?
Divorce is especially hard on children because they rarely understand the reasons behind the decision, and only perceive the practical consequence that their parents do not live together anymore. Disputes over child custody and parental responsibility can particularly complicate things. While the child may struggle to adapt to this disruption in daily life, welcoming… Read More »
Stepparent Adoptions
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Today, many children have divorced parents, or parents who were never married. Parents often remarry, creating a blended family. Blended families are wonderful, but sometimes a stepparent wants to become the legal parent. This can be achieved through adoption. An adoptive stepparent has the same legal parental… Read More »