Tag Archives: Florida Family Law Attorneys

How do Adult Children Deal with Divorce?
When children are young, they are dependent on their parents for the necessities of life, as well as emotional support while they figure out who they are and how to operate in the world. This support is especially needed if the parents divorce while the child is still a minor. Society tends to assume… Read More »

Divorce, Finances, and Buying a New Home
Divorce forces each spouse to undergo a number of changes as they transition from sharing everything as a couple to being a single, unattached adult. These dramatic shifts in the dynamics of a family require reshuffling responsibilities and refiguring monthly budgets that account for the reduction in manpower and financial resources. In other words,… Read More »

Divorcing Later in Life
With approximately 44 percent of Americans going through a divorce at some point, millions of people in this country must make the often difficult transition from married to single. This adjustment is rarely easy, and the longer a couple is married, the more alien it will seem to live without the presence and support… Read More »