Tag Archives: Florida Collaborative Law

What Is A Florida Collaborative Divorce and is it Right for You?
Collaborative divorce has been an option for couples who want to end their marriage since 2017 when Florida legislators enacted The Collaborative Law Process Act. Due to the fact that collaborative law is fairly new in the Sunshine State, many people do not fully understand what the process entails. Below, one of our Tampa… Read More »

Should I get a Collaborative Divorce in Tampa, Florida?
The divorce process is always one that is extremely stressful. You are ending a marriage you thought would last for the rest of your life. Even though you are bound to feel emotional, divorce does not always have to be the contentious battle so many people think it is. In Florida, there is more… Read More »
Don’t Believe the Hype: Collaborative Law Is Not Without Disadvantages
Collaborative law is an alternate form of dispute resolution in the family law context. While proponents contend that collaborative law is both less expensive and more effective than traditional, adversarial law, it can actually drag out disputes in matters of divorce and child custody, thereby increasing costs. The Facts About Collaborative Law The first… Read More »