Tag Archives: Florida Child Custody Disputes

What Can You Do if Your Former Spouse Refuses Visitation In Florida?
It is not uncommon for parents to refuse visitation to their former spouse. There are many reasons people do this. Sometimes, a parent may believe their former spouse is endangering the child, such as when there is a history of domestic violence or substance abuse. In other instances, a parent may refuse visitation simply… Read More »

What Mistakes Should You Avoid In Your Florida Parenting Plan?
During the divorce process, you and your spouse will have many issues to resolve. If you and your spouse have children, many disputes may resolve around child custody. The best way to resolve these issues is to agree on a parenting plan with your spouse so you can keep it out of the courtroom…. Read More »

Options When a Parent Lies to Get Custody
Children are a central component of a parent’s life, and sharing them with another person, especially one that until recently was an intimate partner, is understandably difficult. However, it is rare that a parent is completely blocked from exercising any parenting responsibilities, so reconciling the need for long-term cooperation is usually in the best… Read More »

What Is Supervised Visitation and When Is It Used?
When parents separate or divorce, a priority for many is making sure they see their children on a regular basis. Frequent parent/child contact is essential for a healthy relationship and the child’s overall development. Consequently, securing sufficient visitation, often called parenting time, is of particular importance to the parent that does not have primary… Read More »

What Can You Do if the Other Parent Ignores the Parenting Plan?
The cornerstones of child custody arrangements in Florida are parenting plans. These documents outline when each parent has physical custody of the child, and the legal authority each holds over important decisions in the child’s life (education, medical care, activities, etc.). In practical terms, both parents must compromise and cooperate with one another in… Read More »
Moving Away with Children after a Divorce
A divorce can cause a lot of emotional turmoil and can disrupt the family for a long period of time. The children are of utmost importance when making the many decisions that are involved in the divorce process. In Florida, as in other states, the courts are required to make judgments that are in… Read More »
Creating a Parenting Plan that Works
A divorce is never easy for families and can be particularly difficult for children. Parents need to take time to make sure that the children’s issues are addressed and that they will have as little disruption in their lives as possible. Florida family courts ensure that the best interests of the children are always… Read More »

Tampa Military Divorce Attorneys
Divorce Lawyers Since 1997 Military divorces happen at all stages of marriage, from long 20-year marriages to couples married just before deployment overseas in Germany, Korea or Afghanistan. It is important to note that, the military does not grant divorce. State courts grant divorces to persons who are in the military and it’s better… Read More »
How Can an Attorney Help Resolve a Child Custody Dispute?
For unmarried parents or married couples with children who are divorcing, uncertainty regarding child custody matters can be extremely stressful. After all, for most parents, a close and meaningful relationship with their children is one of the most important aspects of their lives. Under Florida law, what is generally called “child custody” is actually… Read More »