Tag Archives: Florida Alimony Payments

New Alimony Law In Florida
The new alimony revisions summarized below have been signed into law on June 29, 2023, and will take affect July 1, 2023. See new law at Senate Bill 2984. For over a decade, Florida lawmakers had been trying to change the alimony laws in the state. Now, there is a bill that is going… Read More »

How Can You Negotiate A Fair Alimony Settlement In Florida?
Issues surrounding alimony can become highly contentious during divorce. Even if you and your spouse entered into the divorce quite amicably, the thought of making monthly or yearly payments is likely something you do not want to think about. On the other hand, if you have a legitimate need for support but your spouse… Read More »

What Does Alimony Cover In Florida?
Alimony is never a guarantee in any Florida divorce, but there are times when it is necessary and the two parties can agree to alimony terms, or a court will issue a judgment regarding alimony. Alimony is not meant to be a “pathway to retirement,” as the Florida Legislature recently debated, and so, permanent… Read More »

How To Avoid Paying Alimony During A Florida Divorce
Alimony is not guaranteed in every divorce case, but it is commonly requested. In many cases, spousal support is necessary to allow one person to support themselves financially after divorce, or to allow them to receive additional education or training. Other times though, people ask for alimony unfairly, when it is not really necessary…. Read More »

What to do if Former Spouse Refuses to Pay Alimony?
Alimony typically gets a bad rap in the media and society, as financial support for those too lazy or entitled to take care of themselves. However, alimony is not easy to get, unless agreed to as part of a prenuptial agreement, and rarely lasts beyond a few years – just long enough for the… Read More »

Legal Options When the Alimony Payments Stop
Spousal support, or alimony, is a topic that gets a lot of bad press because of the general assumption that this financial assistance is merely an attempt to gouge an ex-spouse out of more money. However, alimony awards are rarely permanent, and more commonly serve to give an ex-spouse sufficient time to acquire the… Read More »