Tag Archives: Filing for a Florida Divorce

Does It Matter Who Files For Divorce First In Florida?
If you have been considering divorce, you may have already started thinking about factors that may give you the upper hand in your case. You may have even wondered if filing for divorce first holds any benefits. Truthfully, filing for divorce first does not really give you any legal advantage during your case. However,… Read More »

How To Serve Divorce Papers
Making the decision to divorce is never easy. Once a person has made the difficult decision though, it does not end there. Florida, like every other state, has very specific procedures that must be followed when a person files for divorce. They must first fill out a petition for the dissolution of marriage and… Read More »

Special Issues for Same-Sex Divorce
Many same-sex couples are in the unique situation of having long-term relationships, but short-term marriages, because they were unable to marry nationwide until 2015. The legal prohibitions imposed by many states on the marriage of same-sex couples left millions of Americans in these relationships without the rights afforded by marriage, while also freeing them… Read More »

Getting Divorced When a Spouse Is Nowhere to Be Found
Divorce is usually precipitated by an uncomfortable conversation during which at least one spouse must work up the nerve to say he/she wants out of the marriage. If given the choice, it is likely many would skip this step if at all possible, but they do have the comfort of knowing where their spouse… Read More »

The Basics of Filing for Divorce in Florida
Taking that final step, and deciding to proceed with divorce, is often difficult and fraught with emotion. But, this moment is just the start of a process that could last for months, and potentially involve a lot of tension and conflict over issues like child custody and property division. Florida, in particular, has one… Read More »