Tag Archives: Divorce Process Tampa

What Costly Mistakes Should I Avoid During My Florida Divorce?
Going through a divorce is an emotionally devastating and financially draining experience. In Tampa, it is also a reality that many couples face. To make the situation worse, many people make very common mistakes that add to the stress and hardship of it. Below, our Tampa divorce attorney outlines how to avoid some of… Read More »

What is Mandatory Disclosure in a Florida Divorce?
Discovery is a phase of many divorce cases in Florida and during this process, mandatory disclosure occurs. Mandatory disclosure refers to the fact that both spouses are required to give their financial records to the other side. Both parties are prohibited from lying or hiding information from each other during the divorce process. Hiding… Read More »

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a Divorce in Florida
Even if you and your spouse can agree to the different terms of divorce, the process can still be very difficult. Your emotions may run high and things can go wrong. This is more likely to happen if you make a mistake during the process, and this happens more often than many people think…. Read More »

Filing for Divorce in Tampa, Florida: Step-by-Step Guide
Going through a divorce in Tampa can be a challenging and confusing time. So many questions arise around the Tampa divorce process and the paperwork required by Florida law. However, you can confidently move through divorce with the correct information. We created this guide as a roadmap of what to expect when navigating a… Read More »

What are the Emotional Stages of a Florida Divorce?
Dissolving a marriage is a legal process, but the fact that it is also an emotional one cannot be overlooked. When people get married, they believe they will love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. No one expects it to end in stress, pain, and other complex emotions. Although… Read More »

Served with Divorce Papers? Here are the Next Steps to Take
Being served with divorce papers is always an emotional experience, even if you have seen it coming for some time. After receiving the divorce papers, it is natural to feel uncertain, stressed, and maybe even angry. It is also natural to be unsure of what to do next, but the steps you take now… Read More »

How Long Do You Have to Separate Before Divorcing in Florida?
Getting a divorce is always extremely stressful and you will feel a wide array of emotions throughout your case. Still, divorce is a legal process and you must meet many different requirements before you can obtain a divorce in Tampa. These requirements can add another layer of confusion as you go through this difficult… Read More »

Simplified Florida Dissolution vs. Regular Florida Dissolution – What Are The Differences?
There are many ways to get a divorce in Florida, but they all fall into one of two categories. The majority of couples who get divorced must obtain a regular dissolution, but there are times when a couple may qualify for a simplified dissolution. A simplified dissolution is faster than regular dissolution, which is… Read More »

What Should I Look For In A Florida Divorce Attorney?
Whether you are just starting to think about divorce, or you have already made the difficult decision to do it, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is which divorce attorney will represent you. Looking for a divorce attorney early on in the process will make sure you are properly… Read More »

What Is Discovery During A Florida Divorce?
The divorce process in Florida has many steps. One of the most important of these is the discovery phase of a case. Essentially, the discovery process allows each side to exchange documents and obtain information from the other party. The purpose of discovery is to allow each side to be fully informed about all… Read More »