Tag Archives: Divorce Florida

What Things Should I Avoid During My Florida Divorce?
Divorce is a very difficult experience. You will have to manage your emotions, while also handling legal tasks and proceedings. During this difficult and confusing time, it is easy to make mistakes that have consequences for many years to come. Below, one of our Tampa divorce attorneys explains the most common mistakes to avoid… Read More »

What Does Alimony Cover In Florida?
Alimony is never a guarantee in any Florida divorce, but there are times when it is necessary and the two parties can agree to alimony terms, or a court will issue a judgment regarding alimony. Alimony is not meant to be a “pathway to retirement,” as the Florida Legislature recently debated, and so, permanent… Read More »

How To Protect Your Credit Report During Divorce
It is no surprise to anyone that divorce is an expensive process. However, many people do not realize until afterward that it can also affect their financial future for months, or even years, to come. In certain cases, a divorce can negatively impact a person’s credit report. Divorce in itself, does not necessarily impact… Read More »

5 Mistakes To Avoid In Divorce
The divorce process can be a demanding one, even when the case is uncontested. Still, people sometimes become complacent and they fail to recognize the different elements that can go wrong. Even if you expect your divorce to proceed smoothly, it is still helpful to understand some of the most common errors made in… Read More »

What Steps To Take to Get a Divorce in Florida
Marriages sometimes go through rough patches and divorce may cross the mind of one or both parties. Divorce, though, is a big step and of course, you need to be sure if you are going to go through with it. If you have been seriously considering divorce, there are five steps you should take… Read More »