Tag Archives: Dividing a Business in Divorce

Considerations for Florida Business Owners During Divorce
Divorce is never easy and ending a marriage always has the potential to become complex. However, if you are a business owner, the matter can become even more complicated and you may have even more to lose. In most cases, businesses are considered marital property and so, they are subject to property division. Below,… Read More »

How Can You Protect Your Business During Divorce In Florida?
As a business owner, you have spent years building a successful company. If you are getting a divorce, you may think you will lose it and even just the thought is devastating. You are proud of your business, and it provides an income that has supported your family. You likely hope it will continue… Read More »

The Complexities of Dividing a Business in Divorce
Sole proprietors and small entrepreneurs make up a significant percentage of the workforce in this country, and many of these businesses were both created during and benefited from contributions from a spouse and/or marriage generally. In divorce, the law requires couples to divide their assets, absent an agreement otherwise, and businesses are included in… Read More »