Tag Archives: Custody Modification

Do You Have to Go to Court to Modify a Florida Child Custody Order?
If you are a parent in Tampa and need to modify an existing child custody order from a previous divorce or paternity dispute, you may wonder if you have to go through the court. Unfortunately, it is not possible to modify any existing court order without going through the court. A judge must approve,… Read More »

What Is A Substantial Change In Circumstances When Modifying A Parenting Plan In Florida?
During any child custody case, a parenting time schedule is created that outlines the parental responsibilities, as well as the amount of time the child will spend with each parent. The circumstances of a case during a divorce period, though, do not always remain the same during the years to come. The changes that… Read More »
When and How a Parent Can Change a Parenting Plan
Discussing when and how to divide child custody and visitation is one the more contested issues when couples decide to separate and divorce, as it is a topic central to being a good and present parent. Forming compromises that adequately address the needs of the child and the rights of the parents is a… Read More »