Tag Archives: Best Tampa criminal defense attorney

Most Common Criminal Justice System Myths In TV Shows
GUEST POST: In TV shows and movies, criminal defense attorneys are often depicted as brilliant legal minds who can get any client off on a technicality. While it’s true that some attorneys can get their clients’ charges reduced or dismissed, the reality is that the criminal justice system is not nearly as forgiving as… Read More »

What Is Florida’s Red Flag Gun Law?
Many states have red flag laws and no matter where they are enacted, they receive a lot of attention. Critics of red flag laws argue that they violate the Second Amendment rights granted to all Americans, while proponents claim that they are one way to try and keep people safe. Florida lawmakers enacted the… Read More »

What Is Probation In Florida?
There are many consequences to being convicted of a crime, including being placed on probation. Probation is a more favorable option than being sentenced to jail, but many people do not understand what the terms of it mean. If you or someone you love is facing probation, below are the answers to some of… Read More »