How Much Does An Uncontested Divorce Cost In Florida?

Couples who get an uncontested divorce can obtain the most affordable type of divorce in Florida. An uncontested divorce is one in which each party agrees to every term of the divorce. The different terms of a divorce can include child custody, child support, the distribution of assets and liabilities, spousal support, and more. If a couple disagrees on even just one term of the divorce, the case then becomes contested.
Uncontested divorces have many benefits for couples. The biggest advantage is that these are the least expensive types of divorce. If you are getting an uncontested divorce, our Tampa Florida divorce lawyer explains the costs associated with these cases below.
How Much Does it Cost to Get an Uncontested Tampa Divorce?
The cost of an uncontested divorce varies and depends on several factors. These include:
- Whether a document preparation service is used to prepare the paperwork
- Whether either or both parties retain a Tampa Florida divorce lawyer
- Whether the agreement to all terms is already in writing
The filing fee for divorce varies by county in Florida. It is usually around $420, regardless of where you are getting divorced in the state. You will have to pay this fee regardless of whether you are getting a contested or uncontested divorce. However, the cost of an uncontested divorce can be more than this amount. For example, if you work with a lawyer, you should expect the divorce to cost anywhere between $1,500 and $5,000, depending on how quickly the couples come to a complete agreement.
Even though working with a lawyer does increase the cost of divorce, it is highly recommended that you do. An attorney will protect your rights and ensure any agreement reached is fair. Anything to do with property and asset division cannot be modified after the divorce is final.
Are you Eligible for an Uncontested Divorce?
The main eligibility requirement for uncontested divorces is that you must agree to all terms. If you disagree on even one term of the divorce and have to enter mediation or litigation, the case is considered contested.
Florida also places a residency requirement on all divorces in the state. Under this requirement, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for a minimum of six months before either party files a petition for divorce with the court.
Lastly, you must also have grounds for divorce. Florida is a no-fault divorce state, so most cases are filed on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. This simply means that the marital relationship has broken down and there is no chance of reconciling. Spouses can also file for divorce based on the grounds of mental incapacitation, but this is much more rare. Furthermore, the court does not require that these allegations be proven.
Do You Need an Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in Tampa?
Even when you agree with your spouse, it is important to work with a Tampa uncontested divorce attorney. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our skilled attorneys will always work hard to ensure your rights are protected, and that the agreement you reach is fair and will not have unintended consequences. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Se habla Español.