How Can I Save On Legal Fees When Getting A Divorce In Florida?

Divorce is an extremely stressful process, but it is also an expensive one. To reduce costs, many people choose not to work with a Tampa divorce attorney. However, this could end up costing you more in the end, particularly if you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement on the different terms of divorce. Fortunately, working with an attorney does not have to break the bank, and in fact, it will result in your obtaining a better settlement. Below, our Tampa contested divorce attorney outlines a number of ways you can save on legal fees when getting a divorce.
Try to Resolve Disputes Out of Court
Going to court to resolve disputes during the divorce process is the most expensive way to end a marriage. Attorneys often charge more for litigation than they do when representing you during mediation and negotiation, and you will have to pay court fees, as well. Keeping issues outside of the courtroom also gives couples more control over how disputes are resolved.
Tell Your Lawyer All Pertinent Information
You will have to tell your attorney a number of personal details, and these conversations can sometimes be uncomfortable. Still, it is critical that you are honest with your attorney and inform them of anything important to your case. If you keep information from your attorney, they will have to work more hours on your case to uncover information, which will cost more. No matter how uncomfortable it is, always share all important details about your case with your lawyer.
Prepare Properly for Meetings with Your Lawyer
The amount of time you spend with your lawyer will directly impact your legal fees. Before any meeting with your attorney, make sure you have all important documents, such as financial statements, as well as a list of questions you want to ask. Keeping meetings with your lawyer short will help you reduce legal fees.
Respond to Your Lawyer Promptly
Your lawyer will ask you for a number of things while working on your case. They may need past tax returns and other financial documents, and they may ask you for certain evidence of why the marriage broke down, such as texts and emails that prove an affair. Regardless of what information your lawyer asks you for, respond promptly. If you do not, your lawyer will have to spend time trying to track you down, or gathering the information on their own. All of this will cost you more in legal fees.
Communicate Respectfully with Your Spouse
It is often difficult to remain respectful with your spouse when going through a divorce, but it is important you do. If things between you and your spouse are so contentious you cannot communicate, your lawyer will have to speak to them on your behalf, which will increase the amount of legal fees you pay.
Call Our Contested Divorce Attorneys in Tampa
If you are getting a divorce and want to know more about your legal options, our Tampa contested divorce attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A. can advise on your case. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Se habla Español.