Author Archives: Lynette Silon-Laguna
Divorce can be Difficult During the Holidays
Thanksgiving was only the start of a festive holiday season that often involves weeks of parties, shopping, and celebrations with friends and family. These holiday events can sometimes last beyond New Year’s Day, and this season can seem daunting and endless if it coincides with any emotional strife in your life. For this reason,… Read More »
How Does the Department of Revenue Enforce Child Support Orders?
For many families, child support payments are an essential part of their monthly income. Child support is court-ordered periodic payment from one parent to another that is intended to help meet the costs associated with raising a child. The amount and frequency of child support payments varies case by case and depends on the… Read More »
Can a $1 Billion Divorce Settlement be Disappointing?
With the median wealth for an American household at roughly $90,000, a satisfying divorce settlement may be in the tens of thousands of dollars (or more or even less, depending on the situation). Many people may be blown away when they hear of celebrity divorce settlements worth millions of dollars and that include vacation… Read More »
How Domestic Violence can Affect a Divorce Case
Many divorces may be contentious with numerous complex issues in question, however divorces may be especially complicated and acrimonious if there is a history of domestic abuse in the relationship. In some cases, incidences of domestic violence may be recent and may even be the cause of the divorce filing. Even if the violence… Read More »
How can a Divorce Attorney Help in a Florida Divorce Case?
According to statistics released in 2013, Florida has one of the highest divorce rates of any state in the country. The decision to end a marriage can be among the most difficult that a person can make in their lives and can have far reaching consequences. A divorce can affect your finances, your living… Read More »
Florida Fighting Same-Sex Divorce
In a month during which same-sex marriage rights significantly expanded to numerous new states, the Florida government still appears to be fighting any marriage equality progress in the Sunshine State. On October 6, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) announced it would not hear appeals of any lower court decisions regarding… Read More »
Does it Matter that My Spouse was Unfaithful?
Many divorces in Florida may stem from suspicions, allegations, or even open admissions of infidelity on the part of one or both spouses. Such adultery may very likely and understandably incite strong feelings of anger, betrayal, and other hurtful emotions. Victims of adultery may further wish to hold their spouse accountable for their actions… Read More »
What Happens when a Divorcing Couple Owns a Business?
When a couple divorces, Florida law requires that all of their marital property is divided equitably between them. Some types of assets and property are easier to divide than others. For example, liquid assets in bank accounts may simply be split between the spouses. However, other marital property, such as the family home, furniture,… Read More »
Social Media May Impact the Disposition of Your Florida Divorce
Marital issues or conflict can be emotionally troubling, and sometimes people tend to act out of character when having issues with their spouse or significant other. Individuals may engage in behavior in which they normally do not, such as going out with friends to bars or nightclubs or spending money irresponsibly. Often, these and… Read More »
What Factors does a Court Consider when Awarding Florida Alimony?
The end of a marriage can be a trying time, both emotionally and financially. For many people, fundamental aspects of their daily life will change dramatically, including where they live, how often they see their children, their day-to-day routine, and even whether or not they have a job. In some cases, one of the… Read More »