In my Florida divorce can I use my spouse’s affair against them?
That is not an easy question to answer and it usually is considered in regard to alimony. First your circumstances will determine what if anything can be gained by you. There’s some ways that you can use it but unfortunately, even though it’s very painful when your spouse has committed an affair, there’s not a whole lot of legal repercussions for that. Now, if your spouse has used martial assets in that affair, you know if he’s set up a penthouse for his girlfriend or if she has set up a penthouse for her boyfriend, then that may be something that the court can use against them and kind of attribute that to their side of the marital assets. If we’re just talking about an affair, there’s not a whole lot that the court will do with regard to that affair. The Tampa divorce lawyers at All Family Law Group, P.A. can advise you as to all issues regarding your divorce. Contact us by email or call 813-672-1900 to schedule a free consultation and we will get back with you at our earliest opportunity.