What Are Some Tips to Help Me Through My Florida Divorce?

Getting a divorce may be one of the hardest things you will ever go through. According to many studies, the only thing more painful is losing a child or a parent. Although it may not be possible to avoid all of the frustration and stress that comes with ending a marriage, the following are some tips that may help make the process easier on you. Below, one of our Tampa divorce attorneys outlines five tips that can help.
Exercise Your Rights
Again, divorce may be extremely hard on all of the parties involved. You may go into denial or become focused on simply getting the whole process over with. If you were not the one to initiate the process, you may want to ignore the divorce papers when you are served with them. This can result in a very unfavorable outcome for you. Instead, exercise your right to respond to the papers, and any allegations your spouse made against you.
If at any time you consider forfeiting certain things, such as property or alimony, speak to your attorney about it first. You could be forfeiting your rights and this can be very detrimental. Once a divorce final you cannot go back and ask for alimony or change the division of property or debt, although it is possible to modify the amount of alimony or child support or any issue involving the care of the children, such as the time sharing.
Stay Calm
Frustration and anger are just two emotions you may feel during divorce. Resentment, sadness, and anxiety are a few others. Regardless of how you are feeling, it is critical that you stay calm throughout the entire process.
You should never post any details about your case on social media, nor should you badmouth your spouse, particularly to your children. Instead, find positive ways to deal with your emotions that will help you remain calm. Consider going for walks, leaning on family members and friends for support, or speaking to a professional.
Prioritize your physical and mental health. Exercise, eat well, and take time for activities you enjoy. Use this time to learn new skills or pursue interests that you may not have had time for previously.
Understand Your Financial Situation
It is critical that you understand your financial situation when getting a divorce, particularly if your spouse handled the finances during the marriage. Your lawyer will provide you with a list of financial records you need, such as your previous tax returns, banking statements, retirement account information, and more. Knowing your financial situation will not only ensure you receive a fair settlement, but it will also allow you to provide full disclosure, which is required by law.
Practical Steps
Adjust your budget to reflect your new financial situation. And you can also update your legal documents by changing your will, power of attorney, and beneficiaries on insurance policies and retirement accounts. Furthermore, secure your personal information by changing passwords, especially if they were shared with your soon to be ex-spouse.
Identify Your Goals
Setting realistic goals for yourself during divorce can help you focus on the future instead of the past. For example, if you own a business you may want to keep it after the divorce. Or, if you have children with your spouse, you may have an idea of how much time you want to spend with them. Focus on the goals you set for yourself and it will help you determine what you want to fight for, and what you are willing to give up.
Work with Our Tampa Divorce Attorneys
Representing yourself during divorce is never a good idea. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa divorce attorneys can help you set goals during the process, advise on the steps to take, and help you obtain the fair settlement you deserve. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help. Se habla Español.