Six Questions for Your Florida Divorce Lawyer

The divorce process can be very confusing and throughout it, you will have many questions. There is no such thing as a bad question and the attorney you work with will understand what you are going through and empathize with your situation. While you may have questions about how your property will be divided and where your children will live, there are also certain questions you should ask early on in the process. These are the questions you ask your lawyer, so you know you chose the right one for your case. The most important questions to ask are listed below.
Do You Specialize in Divorce?
One of the first things you should learn about your lawyer is if they have extensive experience with divorce and family law. For example, if a lawyer mainly practices probate law but takes the odd divorce case, you should look for another attorney who specializes in family law.
What Strategy Will You Use for My Divorce Case?
All lawyers approach divorce cases with different strategies. Depending on the facts of your case, your lawyer may have to deviate from the standard approach. Knowing the strategy your lawyer intends to use can provide you with insight and let you know what to expect during your case. For example, your lawyer may advise on whether you should be able to resolve your issues during mediation, between each other or between the attorneys, if at all possible. Or if you have issues upon which you do not agree and which require the judge to decide. Only issues which are very important should be resolved by the court, if the parties cannot agree, and there should be substantial evidence and caselaw supporting a positive outcome to risk going before the Court.
Who Else Will Work on My Case?
Lawyers often rely on support staff such as paralegals, secretaries, and associates. It is okay if these individuals work on your case, but it is important to know all the people who will work on your case. Make sure you meet them and that you feel as comfortable with them as you do your lawyer. We have very friendly legal staff and attorneys who will assist the main attorney with your case, if necessary.
How Much Will My Divorce Cost?
Different divorce lawyers use different fee structures. Some will charge a flat rate, while others charge by the hour and require a retainer upfront. Neither structure is better than the other, but it is important you know which type your lawyer uses. Your lawyer should also be able to give you an estimate about how much your case may cost, although this will depend on whether the parties can come to an agreement or litigation is necessary. At All Family Law Group, P.A. we have different fee structures depending on the situation. All of the terms of payment will be included in a signed Retainer Agreement.
Can I Negotiate with My Spouse on My Own?
You may want to negotiate directly with your own spouse, particularly if things between you two are still fairly amicable. Some lawyers will allow this but others ask that they handle all discussions. Again, one option is not better than the other, but it is important to know before choosing the lawyer you want to work with. At All Family Law Group, P.A. we encourage our clients to speak to their spouses’ if on good terms with them. Being able to communicate with your spouse and come to an agreement on the issues will definitely be ideal in resolving your cases as quickly and as amicably as possible.
How Long Will My Case Take?
While no one can accurately predict exactly how long your case will take, your lawyer may be able to tell you approximately how long your case will take as your case proceeds. For example, if there are many disputes in your case it will take longer to resolve them all than it will take to finalize an uncontested divorce. There is never a sure way to know how long a divorce case will last, except that it will be much quicker if the parties can agree.
Call Our Tampa Divorce Attorney for a Free Consultation
At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa divorce attorneys focus on family law and we will put our experience to work for you. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation of your case and to get all of your questions answered. Se habla Español.