When Should You Review Your Florida Parenting Plan?

As a parent who has gone through divorce or never married, it is critical that you have a parenting plan in place. A parenting plan outlines how you and your former partner will co-parent your children together. Parenting plans are mandatory when a couple has a child together but they break up. Parenting plans are not set in stone and there are times when you may have to modify the agreement. Before you can modify it, though, you have to review the plan to determine if a change is needed. Below, our Tampa modification attorney outlines when you should review your plan to determine if it needs a change.
Abuse or Neglect has Occurred
Your child’s safety and well-being is the top priority as a parent. If you suspect your child’s other parent is abusing or neglecting them you need to review, and probably modify, your parenting plan. In these cases, you can likely obtain an emergency custody order until you can finalize the changes.
The Child’s Needs Change
As children get older, their needs usually change. What was considered practical at the time the original parenting plan was created may no longer work for them or the family. If you have noticed that your child is finding the current parenting plan difficult, it is important to review the plan to determine if you need a modification. Additionally, if your child goes through major life changes, such as suffering a disability, you should also review the plan to determine if it will be impacted.
Changes in the Parent’s Lifestyle
Of course, while children are a large part of the parenting plan, so too, are the parents and their lifestyle. If either you or the other parent experiences major life changes such as moving to a new city, a change in employment, or they get married or divorced, you should review the parenting plan. The changes may affect the amount of time either parent has available for time-sharing and parental responsibility.
The Other Parent has a Substance Abuse Problem
If the other parent of your child has a substance abuse problem, you should review the parenting plan to determine if you need to change it. You likely do not want your child spending too much time with the other parent, particularly if they have a problem staying sober.
Review Your Parenting Plan Yearly
Even if none of the other above situations apply, it is a good idea to review your parenting plan once a year. Doing so could alert you to any issues you may have overlooked that require a modification. Remember that you may want a change; however, it is ultimately up to the judge whether the change can be made if you and the other parent cannot agree. It normally requires a substantial change which cannot be contemplated at the time of the divorce.
Our Modification Attorney in Tampa Can Help with Your Changes
If you believe you need to change your parenting plan, our Tampa modification attorney at All Family Law Group can help. Our experienced attorneys can determine if your plan needs changing, and if so, help you through the process. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to book a free consultation with one of our seasoned attorneys and to learn more. Se habla Español.