Frequently Asked Questions About Time-Sharing In Florida

While the term ‘child custody’ is used in many other states, Florida law refers to these matters as parental responsibility and time-sharing. The change in the law was made to reflect the fact that both parents have an equal right to spend time with their children and that neither should only have ‘visitation’ rights. Still, this is not always practical or possible and other issues may arise. Below, one of our Tampa child custody attorneys outlines some of the most frequently asked questions and provides the answer to them.
What are the Different Types of Time-Sharing in Tampa?
There are several types of time-sharing scenarios available after a divorce is final. These include:
- Equal time-sharing: The courts will always start a custody case by presuming it is in the best interests of the child to maintain a relationship with both parents. Equal time-sharing involves both parents spending 50 percent of the time with the child. Children will sometimes alternate homes every week but parents can agree to another arrangement that is more suitable for their situation.
- Majority time-sharing: There are times when equal time-sharing is not possible. For example, the parents may live far apart from each other. Majority time-sharing involves one parent spending more time with the child than the other. The parent who has majority time-sharing will also use their address for the child’s schooling and healthcare purposes.
- Supervised time-sharing: Supervised time-sharing is ordered when one parent poses a risk to the child. For example, one parent may have a history of domestic violence or a substance abuse problem. In these situations, the parent who is considered to be the risk will visit the child while another adult supervises.
How are Sole and Shared Parental Responsibility Different?
Parental responsibility, known as legal custody in other states, refers to which parent can make decisions for the child. When parents have shared parental responsibility, they both have an equal say in decisions made about the child. Sole parental responsibility refers to when only one parent has the right to make decisions for the child. There are also times when it is designated in the Parenting Plan which parent has decision making responsibility over certain areas.
What Time-Sharing Factors Does the Court Consider?
There are many factors a court will consider when making decisions about time-sharing and parental responsibility. These include where the child has lived in the past, the distance between the parents’ homes, and whether either parent poses a risk to the child. When considering these factors, the court will only consider what is in the child’s best interests.
Do I Need a Tampa Child Custody Attorney in for My Time-Sharing Case?
Issues involving parental responsibility and time-sharing are some of the most contentious in any divorce case. It is strongly recommended that you work with a Tampa child custody attorney who can help you keep the emotions out of it and obtain the best possible outcome. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our experienced attorneys can answer all of your questions so you can make the best informed decisions for you and your family. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Se habla Español.