Understanding When You Can, And Cannot, Modify Alimony In Florida

In Tampa, as throughout the rest of Florida, there is no guarantee that a judge will award alimony during the divorce process. When it is awarded, a judge will take many factors into consideration. The main factors considered are the requesting spouse’s need for alimony, and the other party’s ability to pay it.
Like with other terms of any divorce though, alimony orders are final and legally binding, but they can also be modified, or changed. Modifying alimony can be complex and can only be done under certain circumstances. Below, one of our Tampa alimony and divorce attorneys explain more.
When Can You Modify Alimony in Tampa?
When there are changes to the two main factors considered when awarding alimony, either party can petition the court to modify the original order. If the party paying alimony experiences a substantial change in their income, they or their former spouse can petition the court to modify the order. For example, if the party paying support received a promotion and they earned significantly more than they did during the time of divorce, the other side may argue that they can now afford to pay more in support.
On the other hand, if the party receiving alimony experienced a significant change in their finances, they may petition the court to modify the original order. For example, if the recipient lost their job, they may ask the court to increase alimony payments, at least temporarily, until they can earn a higher income.
When Can You Not Modify Alimony in Tampa?
Although it is often possible to modify alimony payments in certain cases, there are always exceptions to the law. Spousal support orders are no different. There are times when it is not possible to modify alimony orders. These are as follows:
- The original divorce decree did not award alimony: If alimony was not awarded during original divorce proceedings, neither party can go to the court and request that it is ordered in the future.
- The original alimony order was non-modifiable: There are times when the couple will agree that alimony cannot be modified in the future, or a judge may include this provision in the final support order. If the original alimony order included a non-modifiable provision, it is not possible to change it in the future.
- The party requesting a change cannot prove their case: If you cannot prove that your former spouse can afford to pay more alimony, or that you require additional support, your petition to modify the order will likely be denied.
Our Alimony and Divorce Attorneys in Tampa Can Help with Your Modification
In some cases, it is possible to modify original divorce orders. However, obtaining the result you hope for is not always easy. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa alimony and divorce attorneys can help you through the process so you obtain the best outcome possible. Call our family law lawyers today at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about your legal options. Se habla Español.