How Can You Keep Legal Costs Down During Divorce?

It is no secret that divorce is expensive. Although there is little you can do about certain costs of your divorce, such as what you may lose during property division hearings, there is one area of expenses you can control. That is your legal fees. All divorce attorneys in Tampa Bay will charge something to legally represent you during the process, and the advice they bring to your case is invaluable. Still, there are ways you can keep the legal costs of your divorce down, so you do not face unexpected charges in the future.
Call and Email Only when You Have To
The majority of divorce lawyers in Tampa Bay will charge you for the time they devote to answering your phone calls and emails. However, you likely want them to spend this time preparing for your trial, mediation, or other aspects of your case. You will have many questions during the divorce process, and you deserve to have them answered. Instead of incurring fees every time you have a question, prepare a list of questions and ask them all at once. Your lawyer will still charge you, but you will likely incur fewer legal fees.
Provide Information Promptly
Your lawyer will likely ask you for several different documents over the course of your divorce. Again, the more time they have to spend on the phone trying to track you and the information down, the more it will cost you. Always provide the information your lawyer asks for as soon as possible, and you will face fewer legal fees for it.
Trust Your Lawyer
It is so important to choose a divorce lawyer you trust, as you will share with them the most private details of your life. There is another reason it is important to trust your lawyer. People that are unsatisfied with certain results often compare their divorce case with that of their friend’s, who obtained a different result. Your lawyer should always explain certain outcomes and aspects of your case, and you should trust in their advice as much as possible.
Unless something seems unreasonably unfair, you should trust that your lawyer is working in your best interests, even when an outcome was not what you expected. Continuing to ask your lawyer about one specific issue will only drive up the costs of your divorce, and hold up the process.
Never Provide Originals of Important Documents
Unless specifically asked, you should never provide the originals of certain documents. If you do, you may need those documents again in the future, and you will have to ask your attorney to send them. Even if you need your original tax records three years after your divorce is finalized, an attorney will likely charge you for sending them.
Our Divorce Lawyers in Tampa Bay Can Provide the Sound Legal Advice You Need
At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa divorce lawyers can advise on all aspects of your case, including how to keep the costs associated with the process down. Call us today at 813-672-1900 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation so we can review your case. Se habla Espanol.