Lithia, Fishhawk Child Custody Attorneys
Family Lawyers Serving Lithia & Fishhawk
Since 1997, our accomplished, highly rated Lithia child custody and family law lawyers have represented thousands of parents in their child custody matters either in divorce or in paternity actions. Primarily, child custody in either case involves scheduling regular timesharing and visitation, holiday and vacation, as well as decision making, health insurance, uncovered medical expenses, daycare or private school, if any. These terms will be included in a Parenting Plan.
A paternity action is a separate action where either parent wants to establish the alleged father’s legal rights to the child. If the father and mother agree on the paternity, then they can do so in the petition for paternity or by signing a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity. Sixty days after this document is signed, it will become permanently binding and as the paternity has been established, the parents will be subject to child support.
Even if legally declared as the father by agreement, the father must still file a paternity action with the court where all of the other provisions included in a Parenting Plan, such as visitation and timesharing, vacations and holiday, etc. If the father wants to establish legally that he is the father and the mother contests paternity, then the petition can include a request for a DNA test.
And vice versa. If the mother files a paternity action and the father contests paternity, then the father would request a DNA test in his counter petition. The judge will grant a motion for DNA testing and both parties will be ordered to comply.
Call us at 813-672-1900, text us at 813-543-8960 or email us if you would like to schedule a free consultation with a top notch, experienced child custody attorney.
It is always best in child custody and all family law matters, whether through a divorce or a paternity action, that the parents come to an agreement, if at all possible. The cost of attorney fees can be substantial if an agreement cannot be reached and it is necessary to litigate the case in court.
In addition to the monetary cost of prolonged litigation is the high emotional costs to all involved and having a third party, the judge, make all of the decisions upon which the parents do not agree. However, sometimes it is necessary to litigate the outcome before the court, and if so, our family law attorneys have about 48 total years of successful litigation.
Court is an option only if there is a legitimate outcome that can be gained and to which the parties cannot agree.
Do You Need help with child custody or family law?
We as parents ourselves realize the importance of obtaining the best representation possible in your child custody case or family law case. And at All Family Law Group,P.A. we strive to provide the best, most responsive and thoughtful representation for each of our clients.
If you would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable and skillful Fishhawk lawyers, please text us at 813-543-8960, call us at 813-672-1900 or email us. We will get back with you at our earliest opportunity!
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