How Do I Deal With an Unreasonable Co-Parent After Divorce?

Divorce is always an extremely difficult thing to go through. When children are involved, it can make it even harder. Unfortunately, the effects of a divorce are often felt even long after the divorce is over. This is sometimes the case when the former spouses are trying to co-parent with each other and one becomes unreasonable. This is an extremely frustrating situation and some people may think there is little they can do about it. However, the tips below can help you continue to effectively co-parent, even if your spouse is being unreasonable.
Determine which Communication Style is Best for You
Often after a divorce, the two former spouses find it extremely difficult to talk to each other. If you find that every conversation with your ex ends in an argument, it is time to change how you communicate with each other. Texting can take a lot of the hostility out of conversations, and shared calendars can also eliminate one of the biggest sources of arguments, making plans with the child.
Leave Your Child Out of It
If your former spouse is being unreasonable while you try to co-parent, you may assume that they are bad-mouthing you to your child. Even if they are, it is best not to use the same tactics. One of the most harmful things any parent can do is alienate their child from the other parent. It can negatively affect the relationship between your child and their other parent, and the child may resent you for it in the future.
Set Boundaries
Some couples find it very difficult to remain apart after divorce. After all, you may have spent many years being a large part of your spouse’s daily life and adjusting to the change is difficult. Some individuals will try to remain close even when their former spouse does not. When people remain too close after a divorce, it can start arguments about what the other parent is doing, people they may be in a romantic relationship with, and more. It is important to set boundaries such as only seeing each other during pick-ups and drop-offs and limiting conversations to the children. This can help avoid conflict when a spouse is being unreasonable.
Explore Your Options
Unfortunately, some former spouses will find a way to be unreasonable no matter what. When that is the case, it may be time to review the child custody agreement and parenting plan. Child custody orders can be modified and in certain situations, such as if your ex is trying to alienate you from your child, petitioning the court may be necessary.
Our Florida Family Lawyers can Help You Create a Parenting Plan
If you have gone through a divorce, or you are about to, call our Tampa family lawyers at All Family Law Group. Our attorneys can help you through child custody hearings and assist you with creating a parenting plan that works for everyone. We will also advise on all other aspects of your divorce. Call us today at (813) 672-1900 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.
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