Monthly Archives: December 2023

Why are Women More Likely to Initiate Divorce Proceedings?
Many people believe it is usually men who initiate divorce proceedings, but this is a myth. According to a recent study that included more than 2,000 heterosexual couples, 70 percent of the women filed for divorce first. When a woman has post-secondary education, that number climbs to 90 percent. So, why are women more… Read More »

Do Stepparents have a Right to Visitation in Florida?
A blended family is a beautiful thing for everyone involved. Stepparents often create very close bonds with their stepchildren. It is not uncommon for a stepparent to even spend more time with a child than one of the biological parents. When a stepparent and a biological parent divorce, then, it is natural for the… Read More »

Can Grandparents Obtain Visitation in Florida?
Families are not always happy, loving units. Disputes can arise, particularly when a married couple gets divorced and child custody is an issue. While parents are always involved in these disputes, grandparents sometimes are, as well. After a divorce, one or both parents may prohibit grandparents from seeing a child, which is devastating for… Read More »

How to Serve Divorce Papers in Tampa Florida
In Florida, divorce papers, including the initial divorce petition and other related documents, must be properly served to the other party in accordance with the state’s legal requirements. Proper service ensures that the other party is formally notified of the divorce proceedings and has an opportunity to respond. There are many benefits of filing… Read More »