Monthly Archives: November 2023

What are the Emotional Stages of a Florida Divorce?
Dissolving a marriage is a legal process, but the fact that it is also an emotional one cannot be overlooked. When people get married, they believe they will love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. No one expects it to end in stress, pain, and other complex emotions. Although… Read More »

What are Father’s Paternity Rights in Florida?
For fathers establishing paternity in Florida is sometimes a complicated matter, particularly if the mother and father were unmarried at the time of the birth. If you are a father who was never married to your child’s mother, it is important that you know your paternal rights. On the other hand, if the child’s… Read More »

What is a Modification of a Florida Divorce Decree?
The orders issued during a divorce case are final and legally binding. Violating these orders has serious consequences and so, it is critical that all parties comply with them. Still, they say that one of the only constants in life is change and the orders that made sense at the time of your divorce… Read More »

Why You Should Not Ask an Accuser to Drop Criminal Domestic Violence Charges
Movies and television shows often depict someone accused of a crime asking the victim to drop the charges. While this instance may make for exciting entertainment, the reality is a bit more complex than that. This is especially true in cases that involve allegations of domestic violence. Certain criminal offenses are considered to be… Read More »

What are the Different Types of Custody in Florida?
If you are getting a divorce and you have children with your spouse, you must resolve child custody issues before finalizing your case. Many people think they know what to expect from child custody proceedings, and it is only when they are actually going through it that they realize how complex the issue can… Read More »

What Is A Florida Collaborative Divorce and is it Right for You?
Collaborative divorce has been an option for couples who want to end their marriage since 2017 when Florida legislators enacted The Collaborative Law Process Act. Due to the fact that collaborative law is fairly new in the Sunshine State, many people do not fully understand what the process entails. Below, one of our Tampa… Read More »