Monthly Archives: April 2023

Can I Record My Spouse During A Florida Divorce?
If you are going through contentious divorce proceedings, you may become very frustrated when your spouse acts civilly and politely every time they appear in front of a judge. Once you are outside of the courtroom, though, they may become a completely different person. They may yell at you or even threaten violence. If… Read More »

What Are Common Defenses In Florida DUI Cases?
Being pulled over and formally charged with driving under the influence (DUI) is a very scary experience. You may immediately start worrying about your future, and whether you will have to serve jail time or have a criminal record follow you around for the rest of your life. Although the situation may seem hopeless… Read More »

Will Mediation Work In My Florida Divorce?
If you are thinking about divorcing your spouse, you may envision a long, costly, and stressful courtroom battle. Fortunately, while litigation is sometimes necessary to resolve the terms of divorce, this is not usually the case. Mediation is an option that is becoming more popular today. During mediation, two spouses meet with a third… Read More »

Are Common Law Marriages Legal In Florida?
Families come in many forms today. Some people still choose the traditional route of officially getting married and they perhaps even have children. Some people get married, but they make the decision to remain childless. Others still, decide to live together, but they never have a wedding ceremony or obtain a marriage license. In… Read More »

What Are Signs My Former Spouse Is Abusing My Child?
Divorce is always difficult; however, when a case involves children, it is especially challenging. Unfortunately, those challenges do not always end with the divorce process. Your child will start spending a significant amount of time at your former spouse’s house, and there is no way to determine what happens while they are there. Your… Read More »

What Should I Look For In A Florida Divorce Attorney?
Whether you are just starting to think about divorce, or you have already made the difficult decision to do it, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is which divorce attorney will represent you. Looking for a divorce attorney early on in the process will make sure you are properly… Read More »