Monthly Archives: January 2023

Can You Discharge Child Support Payments In Bankruptcy In Florida?
Millions of people across the country are currently experiencing financial hardship. If you have mounting bills that you are currently finding difficult to pay, child support may be an added obligation you cannot afford. Just like so many other people who cannot afford their current debt levels, you may have already considered filing for… Read More »

What Is A Substantial Change In Circumstances When Modifying A Parenting Plan In Florida?
During any child custody case, a parenting time schedule is created that outlines the parental responsibilities, as well as the amount of time the child will spend with each parent. The circumstances of a case during a divorce period, though, do not always remain the same during the years to come. The changes that… Read More »

Why Do So Many People In Florida Divorce In January?
It is a sad fact that January is often referred to as “divorce month” in the legal community. Truthfully, the family courts do generally receive more divorce petitions during the month of January, and this month in particular is a very busy time for divorce attorneys. If you are currently thinking about ending your… Read More »

What Are The Do’s And Do Not’s Of Time Sharing In Florida?
After two parents get a divorce, it is presumed that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with each parent. Unless it would be harmful to the child, both parents should continue to share parental rights and responsibilities. During the divorce process, a time-sharing schedule is made and it outlines when… Read More »

How Can I Save On Legal Fees When Getting A Divorce In Florida?
Divorce is an extremely stressful process, but it is also an expensive one. To reduce costs, many people choose not to work with a Tampa divorce attorney. However, this could end up costing you more in the end, particularly if you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement on the different terms of divorce…. Read More »

Is Intoxication A Legal Defense To A Crime In Florida?
When people are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, they do not always make the best decisions. Sometimes, people may even act in certain ways that result in criminal charges. Intoxication can greatly affect a person’s memory as well and so once they are no longer under the influence, they do not know why they… Read More »